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This Roadmap includes also the monitoring and assessment of R&I efforts, (see Section “Where we are today”, p. 44 and Appendix 3, p. 94) which covers the following perspectives:

Monitoring Roadmap advancement i. e., if and how the clusters and FOs of the original Roadmap have been addressed by on-going projects (ENTSO-E Monitoring Report 2015);

Assessing the results of recently completed projects and their application into TSO business (ENTSO-E Application Report 2014, including relevant national projects outside the EC funding perimeter);

Impact analysis of a comprehensive set of significant projects, identifying their main achievements and recommended follow-ups (ad hoc ENTSO-E study performed by consultants with experience in research and innovation activities in power system);

Overview of key performance indicators and indirect benefits for society at large.

Fig.: Cluster progress of R&D Roadmap 2013 – 2022 in December 2013


Fig.: Cluster progress of R&D Roadmap 2013 – 2022 in December 2015


Fig.: Cluster progress of R&D Roadmap 2013 – 2022 in December 2015


Fig.: Participation of ENTSO-E members in selected R&I projects

Fig.: Participation of ENTSO-E members in selected R&I projects