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In line with the overarching R&I framework set by the European Commission in Horizon 2020 Programme, a challenge-based approach rather than the previous task-based one has been adopted for structuring the envisaged activities.

Fig.: Main drivers for the revision of ENTSO-E R&I Roadmap structure

The format of clusters and functional objectives (FO) has been maintained, and the details are presented in Section “Structure of activities in clusters and functional objectives”, p. 37 of the download document; each FO is described in Appendix 1, p. 64. A brief description of each cluster and an overview of the functional objectives is given below.

Actual clusters and budgets

Description of Functional Objectives of ENTSO-E R&I Roadmap

C1 Power System Modernisation

This cluster aims at developing an optimal grid design, based on the use of the most cost-effective technologies/solution, which should enable more flexibility (through the use of demand response, storage, or interface with other energy networks). It also looks at smart asset management models and methodologies, and the improvement of public awareness and acceptance.

Functional Objectives

T1 Optimal grid design

Optimal grid design: planning, adequacy, tools

T2 Smart Asset Management

Smart Asset Management; predictive and on-condition maintenance; capex optimisation

T3 New materials & technologies

Use of new materials and power technologies; new construction and maintenance methods

T4 Environmental challenges & stakeholders

Environmental impact, public acceptance, stakeholders participation

Budget: €220 million
Total budget all clusters: €950 million

C2 Security and System Stability

This cluster addresses the improvement of the observability and controllability of the transmission system. This will be carried out through the development of methods, technologies and tools able to handle, process and interchange measured and forecasted data in real time across TSOs but also with DSOs. Network modelling and dynamic security tools are part of this cluster. It aims at improving defence and restoration plans for the pan-European grid. The operation of the power system will be based on the development of new procedures, strategies and models for ancillary services coming from different sources: RES, DSOs, energy storage, etc.

Functional Objectives

T5 Grid observability

Observability of the grid: PMUs, WAM, Sensors, DSO information exchange

T6 Grid controllability

Controllability of the grid: frequency and voltage stability, power quality, synthetic inertia

T7 Expert systems and tools

Decision support tools, automatic control and expert systems

T8 Reliability and resilience

Reliability and resilience: defense and restauration plans, probabilistic approach, risk assessment, self healing

T9 Enhanced ancillary services

Enhanced ancillary services for network operation; cross-border supply of services

Budget: €290 million
Total budget all clusters: €950 million

C3 Power System Flexibility

This cluster supports the deployment of existing and new system flexibility options such as:

Storage solutions for fast-responding power (time dimension) and energy (less capacity needed) as well as for novel solutions for system services. Technical requirements, economic, market and environmental aspects must be evaluated.

Demand response encompassing the development of tools and specifications for the control of such resources. It will also address the integration of electric vehicles and the modelling of customer behaviour and quantify the degree of flexibility provided by the distribution networks.

ICT and enhanced RES forecast techniques would support the optimal capacity operation of the power system while maintaining the quality and security of the supply.

The enhanced use of the transmission assets.

Functional Objectives

T10 Storage integration

Storage integration, definition and use of storage services; system added value from storage

T11 Demand Response

Demand Response, tools to use DSR; Load profile, EV impact

T12 RES forecast

Improved RES forecast and optimal capacity operation

T13 Flexible grid use

Flexible grid use: dynamic rating equipment, power electronic devices; use of interconnectors

T14 Interaction with non electrical energy networks

Interaction/coordination with other energy networks (gas, heat, transport)

Budget: €280 million
Total budget all clusters: €950 million

C4 Power System Economics & Efficiency

This cluster aims to propose ways and means to facilitate interactions between the European electricity markets and the pan-European transmission system. The objective is to achieve a more efficient market with an optimised energy mix and security of supply through integration of market and grid operations. All time horizons are treated in this cluster. On the one hand, tools and methods will be proposed to enhance the optimisation of the energy flows at short-term horizons in the pan- European system, considering the intermittency generated by RES. On the other hand, the cluster aims to make proposals to coordinate investments in a context where the quality of the market prices to generate the correct signals for investment is regularly questioned.

Functional Objectives

T15 Market – grid integration

Integration of market and grid operation across timeframes (up to real time)

T16 Business models

Business models (for storage, grid extension, distributed generation) for optimal investments in the network

T17 Flexible market design

Market design for adequacy, flexibility use, cross border exchanges, rationale use of RES, demand management

Budget: €70 million
Total budget all clusters: €950 million

C5 ICT & Digitalisation of Power System

This cluster aims at considering Big Data management through data-mining tools and the development of interfaces with neutral and transparent data access. The cluster will also consider recommendations for standardisation activities and protocols for communications and data exchanges, the use of new technologies such as the Internet of Things and cyber security issues. ICT is an enabling technology for managing the flexible energy system described in C3.

Functional Objectives

T18 Big data

Big data, data mining, data management

T19 Standardisation & data exchange

Standardisation, protocols for communications and data exchange with DSOs and other grid operators

T20 Internet of Things

New communication technologies, Internet of Things

T21 Cybersecurity


Budget: €90 million
Total budget all clusters: €950 million

Former clusters

ENTSO-E R&D Roadmap 2013 – 2022 structure

C1 Grid Architecture

T1 Definition of scenarios for pan-European network expansion

T2 Planning methodology for future pan-European system

T14 Towards increasing public acceptance of transmission infrastructure

C2 Power Technologies

T3 Demonstration of power technology to increase network flexibility and operation means

T4 Demonstration of novel network architectures

T5 Interfaces for large-scale demonstration of renewable integration

C3 Network Operation

T6 Innovative tools and methods to observe and control the pan-European network

T7 Innovative tools and methods for coordinated operation with stability margin evaluation

T8 Improved training tools and methods to ensure better coordination at the regional and pan-European levels

T9 Innovative tools and approaches for pan-European network reliability assessment

C4 Market Designs

T10 Advanced pan-European market tools for ancillary services and balancing, including active demand management

T11 Advanced tools for capacity allocation and congestion management

T12 Tools and market mechanisms for ensuring system adequacy and efficiency in electric systems integrating very large amounts of RES generation

C5 Asset Management

T15 Developing approaches to determine and maximise the lifetime of critical power components for existing and future networks

T16 Development and validation of tools that optimise asset maintenance at the system level, based on quantitative cost/benefit analysis

T17 Demonstrations of new asset management approaches at the EU level

C6 Joint TSO/DSO R&D Activities

TD1 Increased observability of the distribution system for transmission network management and control

TD2 The integration of demand side management at DSO level into TSO operations

TD3 Ancillary services provided through DSOs

TD4 Improved defence and restoration plan

TD5 Methodologies for scaling-up and replicating